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Fire by John Boyne in-stock and now shipping!

By Dylan Bland  •   1 minute read

Fire by John Boyne in-stock and now shipping!

Like many people, I was first introduced to John Boyne through the theatrical release of The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, however it was A Ladder to the Sky which hooked me and a group of my friends over summer 2019 - I think we all read it!

Today we have John Boyne's latest novel Fire in-stock for $27.99 (save $7) and shipping overnight anywhere in New Zealand.

In Fire, John Boyne takes the reader on a chilling, uncomfortable but utterly compelling psychological journey to the epicentre of the human condition, asking the age-old question: nurture - or nature?

Reviews have started streaming in on Goodreads with an average of 4.47 stars from over 180 ratings.

"Just when you think it can't get any darker than Earth and Water, John Boyne gives us Fire. My jaw dropped open quite early on and didn't close until the end." - Kate O'Shea

"This is a one sit reading. It can't be anything else as you are pulled into the world of Freya. As a child, she was the victim of horrendous acts but as an adult her retribution is dark to say the least." - Stephen Richard

"Definitely the most f****d up of the Elements quartet so far. Not sure what it says about me that this is my favourite." - Emily May

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