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Back In Stock - The Let Them Theory

By Dylan Bland  •   1 minute read

Back In Stock - The Let Them Theory

The Let Them Theory by Mel Robbins has been flying out the door since it released earlier this year - and has been one of our best selling books of 2025. Stock has been hard to come by throughout New Zealand - so we're delighted to report we've had a new shipment arrive this morning and all outstanding customer backorders are shipping today for overnight delivery tomorrow!

If you're keen to grab this book but haven't yet placed an order - we recommend you do so quickly to avoid missing out again.

We read Let Them Theory over summer and have already benefited from the simple wisdom of letting other people just be themselves - stop the worry - stop the controlling behaviour - let them be! It's a refreshingly simple message and a great way to start 2025.

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